Screening and Assessing Breathing: A multidimensonal Approach

Screening and Assessing Breathing: A Multidimensional Approach

English version

Online course | Certification included | Video content


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> Course language: english

> 2 hours video content

> 7 learning units

> Regular price: 225,-€ inkl. MwSt.

> You get your access to the course by mail*2

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*Please notice that it can last at least 24 hours until you receive your account access by mail.

23 vorrätig

This course is designed for both the fitness and healthcare provider and covers the background and details of functional and dysfunctional breathing. It introduces the “EAARS” model of breathing function and a novel “Breathing Screen.” Several tools to assess and test for breathing dysfunction are also provided.

Additionally, we introduce a breathing re-training exercise approach, grounded in the neurodevelopmental progression that can be applied in the fitness and rehabilitation settings.

The course is organized into 7 learning units including hands-on assessment and treatment demonstrations in a case-study format. 

What is included?

This course includes 2 hours of video content and a downloadable manual. The 7 Units included in this course are as follows: 

  • 2 hours of video content parted 7 units
  • downloadable manual
  • Unit 1: Introduction and Overview for Fitness & Medical Professionals
  • Unit 2: Understanding and Assessing Dysfunctional Breathing
  • Unit 3: Biochemical Assessment
  • Unit 4: Functional Breathing Screen
  • Unit 5: Case Studies
  • Unit 6: Movement and Breathing Applications
  • Unit 7: Exercise Options for Breathing Dysfunction


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